Quarterly Routine Monitoring Program

As of 8/23/13






[Meson Access Points /Svc Bldg:  PPC, instrumentation, area checks] Checklists



36 Sauk Firebarn



A0 UL (Mech Drafting)



A0 (Ground Level - Middle, South)



E4R Garage



East Booster Gallery



East Booster Gallery Tower UL



East Booster Tower LL



Cross-Gallery Ground Level



Cross-Gallery LL



Cross-gallery 3 ULs



F0 Barns (2) and outdoor cage



NML lower floor area






NWA Portakamps



Klystrons: linac, ,“linac Debuncher” in BGW-110,  A0 3MW, NML; Klystrons 1-7



Linac RF Stations



Linac Gallery LL/UL



Linac Footprint Areas



Linac North Annex G LL/UL



Meson Central Cryo Building






MTA Shed



MW9 Building, Offices



MW9 Experimental Hall



Switchyard Service Building



Transfer Gallery LL ULs PKMPS



West Booster Gallery



West Booster Tower UL



West Booster PKMPS



Emergency Kit Inventory (2nd and 4th Quarters only)




AP0 Vault Exhaust Air Sample




All surveys were completed as follows (if different, it will be indicated on the specific survey pages):




Instrument/Serial Number:



Batt/Source Check (Sat):



Calibration Due Date:





Reviewed by:


